Chase-Martirosov Rd. 1 adjourned position
Here is the adjourned position (as best I could read off the envelope):
White: Kf1; Rb1; Bd5; Pawns on a3, b2 and h4
Black: Kg7; Rc2; Rf5; Bf2; Pawns on d4, b5, a6 and g6
Based on the rules, I presume that white sealed. If I have the position correct (and I'm not sure that I do), then I'd prefer to be Black.
The game is planned to resume at 6 pm this evening.
UPDATE: Charles Riordan wrote in to inform me that White also has a Rg5. Apparently the game ended in a draw.
White: Kf1; Rb1; Bd5; Pawns on a3, b2 and h4
Black: Kg7; Rc2; Rf5; Bf2; Pawns on d4, b5, a6 and g6
Based on the rules, I presume that white sealed. If I have the position correct (and I'm not sure that I do), then I'd prefer to be Black.
The game is planned to resume at 6 pm this evening.
UPDATE: Charles Riordan wrote in to inform me that White also has a Rg5. Apparently the game ended in a draw.

White sealed his 42nd move
FEN "8/6k1/p5p1/1p1B1rR1/3p3P/P7/1Pr2b2/1R3K2 w - - 0 42"
Very nice page.
FYI, you do have the correct position, with the exception that there is a white rook on g5. The sealed move was 1.Be4, and after ...Rf6 2.Rxg6+ Rxg6 3.Bxc2 Rf6 4.Ke2! Bxh4 black could not make use of the extra pawn and the game ended in a draw (I forget the rest of the moves, but Vadim showed me that here 5.Rg1+ would have drawn immediately -- if the black moves to the f-file then Rf1 trades rooks, and otherwise the king is boxed in.)
Charles Riordan
Charles - Thanks. What about 1.Be4 Rxg5 2.hxg5 Rd2? Does this offer Black better winning chances?
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